Material: Oils of dead body from cemeteries with rare wahns as in ancient time the one who plants Maha Sane wan, he must not discover because it is a rare wan.
The flirted man also catches in himself for making Meta Maha Sane when talking with the other sex. The power of Wan Maha Sane that boiling with Namman jun is the top most of the wan Maha Sane, phra ya the krue class.
Since, it has been ranked in the beginning of the family of wan which is:Wan sane Khunpan: it is usually catching in himself which make the other sex to love and kind to you.
Wan Dok Mai Thong: it is wan maha sane which plants in his house will cause the power of sex easilyWan sao long: it has a fragrance breath from roots till leaves.
The ancient believes that this kind of wan is so powerful.
If you catch in himself, when talk to the other sex will efficient a lot.
Wan sane jun khao: it is rare and today the real one is scarce.
The head of wan has fragrance. And they use its head for carving an amulet for plussing the charm to him.Wan sane jun daeng: it is in the same family of wan sane jun khao, but the leaf has a red colour.
Always see in the front of the house or catch in him for meta maha sane when meet each other.Wan grajaejun: it has cool and fragrance breath from the head until the leaves.
The leaf is circle and the old people plant for dipping in water to wash his face in the morning to plus charm. The one you meet will love you a lot.Wan thaoloong: it is growing in the dark forest who meets them in the forest will blur and cannot find the way to home.
So, they bring this wan to make the other sex loved and don’t go anyway.
Direct khatha for using with same and different sexes.
Usage as dipping in your body a little or dipping in your beloved for plussing charming in you.
and the spirits of nang dok thong and then dip the oil to your hair which success in result indeed.
If you want someone to love you , pray and make a wish to succeed , then dip to the one you love.
He will love and crazy about you indeed.
If success you should do as you beg and give a merit.
You can use in every day except the Buddhist day of worship.
Bring for plussing sane Meta Mahaniyom every month