Just for sharing of some tested items on 3 lady and 1 guy.
1st lady age 23
2nd lady age 20
3rd lady age 21
1 guy age 27
Strong in attraction if apply and she will miss u with slight tension headache.
Strong in Niyom, attraction, and the spirits seem to be around to assist you. if dip on the party, she felt very uneasy the whole night and it make her think and listen to you, believe in what u got to say. But not suitable to dip on strong will / mindset person as it might not work. Owner or dip perosn with lower luck will dream or see these spirits.
LP Thong Parn Siphueng Help to enhance your charm and ezy, giving people a good sense of saney. To dip on other must blow the wax with katha 1st or effectiveness and chances are slim.
KB Eka powder
When mix with food without using katha: It work well as a bottle is use for 1/4 times, the party will listen to you and believe on what u said but the party will lose the sense of concentration, her appearance seem to be slightly lost. So the rest of the job to attract is still up to person to make the 1st move.