100% Authentic
Takrut Salika
(Charming Bird Takrut)
Luang Pu Sao
Luang Pu Sao
Wat Ton Chok Luang
Origin: Thailand @Chiang Mai
Origin: Thailand @Chiang Mai
Year: B.E.2562 (C.E.2019)
Material: great blessed lead sheet covered with holy mass, gem and cord rope
Amount: created 1,999 pieces./ there is code and serial number.
"Salika" (also known as "Salika Lin Thong" = the golden-tongued magpie bird)
—Charming Salika Bird can help owner for being attractive, loved and approved by anyone.
Only wearing as a decorative pendant, it can magically appeals to a pile of money, good business, love, people kindness and successful communication.