100% Authentic
Takrut Yant Kao Kum Lanna (9 Northern
Thai Magic Scrolls)
KB Boonyang
Wat Nong Kho
Origin: Myanmar
Thai Year: 2563 (2020)
Material: Holy metal Yant sheets
Origin: Myanmar
Thai Year: 2563 (2020)
Material: Holy metal Yant sheets
Grand Holy Blessing at King Naresuan
Stupa Thailand @Chiang Mai by Northern guru monks with traditional
Last single blessing by KB Boonyang (2 nation monk) aged 115 of Wat Nong Kho in Myanmar.
About Yant
Kao Kum:
(Yant Kao Kum Sangwan Phet) is Northern
Thai belief.It is a name of 9 metal magic scrolls tied together.
“Kao Kum” means “gathering of auspicious things”.
It is well-known that has magical power to prevent wraiths especially spirits that threaten newborn babies, young children (tots) and ladies.
Wraiths mean a ghost or image of someone, especially one seen shortly before or after their death.
Besides this, this Yant is good for Mettamahaniyom, Charm that helps good feelings from people, popularity, communication and business.