Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Love Ritual

Yes: putting love spells on other people is a thing.
But that doesnotmean you should do it! As in most cases (namely the ones where you are overriding someone’s free will), it’s actually a pretty terrible idea.
Think about it: in addition to all the gnarly karmic backlash you will almost certainly unleash upon yourself, do you really want to take away someone’s free will so they will ***fake*** love you? 
Is turning a person into your robot love slave actually what you want? If the answer is yes, please be honest with yourself and see that desire for what it is: sad and desperate. 
You deserve someone who actually loves you and legitimately wants to spend time with you.
That being said, I know there are times when it can be tempting to cast a spell on someone to get them to think they adore and desire you just as much as you adore and desire them.