Friday, May 29, 2015

Phra Arjarn Chai

Luangpho Chai or well-known as Phra Arjarn Chai.
LP Chai became an abbot after Luangpu Chalerm, a famous guru monk of Wat Boonnakprachasan in Samut Songkhram province whom people do believe in his amulets helping owners get lucky, do business very well and stay safe from any danger.
With strong mantras, people give an idiom to amulets from LP Chalerm, mosquitoes cannot suck blood, knives cannot cut skin. As for LP Chai, he is a disciple and a son of LP Chalerm.
LP Chalerm handed down all his mantra knowledge to LP Chai.
That is to say LP Chai keeps on superb mantras of LP Chalerm, his father. (LP Chalerm passed away in 2015 C.E.)

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Luangpu Dam

This is Luangpu Dam (age 80, 2016 C.E.), Wat Nang Faek, Phitsanulok province who keeps on Visha Maha Kradon (great protection magic) of LP Ket (Luangpu Ket, Wat Sri Mueang, Sukhothai province) who pioneered Takrut Maha Kradon that could stop the gun bullets! In fact, LP Dam is an adopted son of LP Ket and the only one who received Visha Maha Kradon from LP Ket.
 As for LP Dam, he is a true monk, going mainly in dharma and meditation, without caring about assets and stuff. He likes to do meditation in the graveyard alone and always gives a kind welcome to disciples. Although LP Dam gets older and disciples ask him not to work much, LP Dam does not stop doing a monk routine. 
"Person without mercy is like the dry field, hard for crops to grow", LP Dam implied to disciples.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Chinnabanchon Katha

Somdej Toh (1788-1872; B.E. 2331-2415), or formally known as Somdet Phra Phutthachan Toh Phrommarangsi is one of the most famous Buddhist monks in Thailand widely revered as a monk who possessed magical powers and his amulets are widely sought after especially "Phra Somdej" the number 1 amulet in Thailand. 

Not only the creator of Phra Somdej amulet, but Somdej Toh also developed the powerful mantra or Katha "Chinnabanchon". In fact, this Katha was first composed by Lanna monk (Lanna: Northern kingdom in ancient Thailand) in Ayutthaya period. This Katha can be also found in Myanmar and Sri Lanka.

Meanings & Benefits:
"Chinnabanchon" (chin-na-ban-chon) means "the great strong bars of Buddha that can protect prayer from all dangers and demons" coming from 2 words Chin = a winner and Banchon = bar. 

Chanting this Katha regularly is auspicious for the prayer himself; being safe from enemies, dangers, vicious treats and spirits, and moreover increasing favorable power for life in every aspect. 

Directions: You can chant this Katha without offerings every day or any day you would like. As for the auspicious day for chanting, Thursday is recommended because it is accepted as "Master Day" in Thai belief. And before chanting, you should be calm down and think of Buddha, Dharma and Somdej Toh. 
Full Version of Chinnabanchon Katha:

1. ChaYaSaNaKaTa PhutTa ChayTaWa MaLung SaWaHaNung
JaTuSatJaSaPung RaSung YaPiWingSu NaRaSaPa

2. TunHungGaRaTaYoPhutTa UtTaWeSaTi NaYaGa
SapPay PaTidTiTa MaiHung MutTaGayTay MuNisSaRa

3. SeeSay PaTidTiToh MaiHung PhutTo ThumMo ThaWiLoJaNay
SungKo PaTidTiToh MaiHung U-Ray SapPaKuNaGaRo

4. HaTaYa May A-NuRutTo SaReePutToh Ja TakKiNay
KoneTunYo PidTiPaKutSaMing MokeKulLaNo Ja WaMaGay

5. TakKiNay SaWaNay MaiHung ArSung ArNanTaRaHuLo
GutSaPo Ja MaHaNaMo U-PaSung WaMaSoTaGay

6.GaySunTay PiTidPaKutSaMing SuRiYo Wa PaPungGaRo
NiSinNo SiRiSamPanNo SoPiToh MuNiPungKaWo

7. GuMaRaGutSaPo TayRo MaHaySee JitTaWaTaGo
SoMaiHung WaTaNayNitJung PaTidThaSi KuNaGaRo

8. PunNo UngKuLiMaLo Ja U-PaLee NanTaSeeWaLee
TayRa PunJa I-May ChaTa NaLaTay TeeLaGa MaMa

9. SaySaSeeTi MaHaTayRa WiChiTa ChiNaSaWaGa
A-TaySeeTi MaHaTayRa ChiTaWanToh ChiNoRaSa
ChaLunTaSeeLaTayChayNa UngKaMungKaySu SanTiTa

10. RaTaNung PuRaToh ArSi TakKiNay MetTaSutTaGung
ThaChutKung PutChaToh ArSi WaMay UngKuLiMaLaGung

11.KunTaMoRaPaRitTunJa ArTaNaTiYaSutTaGung
ArGaSay ChaTaNungArSi SaySa PaGaRaSunThiTa

12. ChinNaNaNa WaRaSungYutTa SatTaPaGaRaLungGaTa
WaTaPidTaTiSunChaTa PaHiRutChutTuPutTaWa

13. A-SaySa WiNaYoung YunTu A-NanTaChiNaTayChaSa
WaSaToh May SaKitJayNa SaTha SamPhutTaPunChaRay

14. ChiNaPunChaRaMutChumHi WiHaRunTung MaHiTaLay
SaTa PaLane Tu Mung SapPay TayMaHaPuRiSaSaPa

15. ItJayWaMonToh SuKutToh SuRakKo
ChiNaNuPaWayNa ChiTuPutTaWo
ThumMaNuPaWayNa ChiTaRiSungKo
SungKaNuPaWayNa ChiTunTaRaYo
SutThumMaNuPaWaPaRiToh ChaRaMiChiNaPunChaRayTi.

Translation from Pali:
1.    Buddha and the enlightened who successfully defeated demons and sins and understood the 4 truths will carry all lives over passions and sorrows. 
2.    There are 28 Buddha. 
3.    I respectfully invite Buddha to stay on my head, Dharma on my eyes and monks on my chest. 
4.    Anuruttha Thera is in my mind. Sareebut Thera is on my right hand. Mokalana Thera is on my left hand.  Anyagothanya Thera is on my back. 
5.    Arnon Thera and Rahul Thera are on my right ear and Gasapa Thera and Mahanama are on my left ear.
6.    Sophita Thera is on my entire hair. 
7.    Gumara Gasapa Thera is on my lips.
8.    Punna Thera, Angkuliman Thera, Ubali Thera, Nantha Thera and Sivali Thera are on my forehead.
9.    Asiti Maha Thera (the sons of Buddha) are on my organs. 
10.    Rattana Sut is in the front. Metta Sut is on the right. Angkuliman Parit is on the left. Thachaka is at the back. 
11.    Khantha Parit, Mora Parit and Atanatiya Sut are like the roof in the air. 
12.    Other topnotchers are the 7-layered wall. 
13.    May power of this shield carry off all inside and outside sufferings. 
14.    May power of all topnotchers protect me who staying in this shield. 
15.    May favors from Buddha, Dharma and Monks help and protect me from all menaces and obstacles forever.